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General information
- Release date:
- 24/04/2014
- Description:
Take on an unlimited array of platform-racing challenges in the unreal world of Trials Fusion. Using your skills to traverse across obstacle-laden, ramp-ridden courses, you must strive to set track records against the best Trials players around the globe.
- Rating :
- Language:
- Eng
- Genre:
- Racing
- Activation:
- Automatically added to your Ubisoft Connect for PC library for download.
- PC conditions:
- You need a Ubisoft account and install the Ubisoft Connect application to play this content.
- Multiplayer:
- Yes
- Single player:
- Yes
© 2014 Ubisoft Entertainment. All rights Reserved. Trials Fusion, Ubisoft and the Ubisoft logo are trademarks of Ubisoft Entertainment in the US and/or other countries.