rating mature

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Silent Hunter 5 Standard Edition - PC (Digital)

rating mature

Silent Hunter 5 hails the return of the number one submarine simulation. Online features are no longer available for this product.


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€ 17,99 /Місяць

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Переваги магазину Ubisoft:
  • Earn up to 10
  • Automatic activation on games tab
  • Secure payment

Онлайн-функції більше не доступні для цього продукту.

  • Медіа

    Пов’язані медіа for Silent Hunter 5 - PC (Digital)

    • Silent Hunter 5, , large Silent Hunter 5, , large
    • Silent Hunter 5, , large Silent Hunter 5, , large
    • Silent Hunter 5, , large Silent Hunter 5, , large
    • Silent Hunter 5, , large Silent Hunter 5, , large
    • Silent Hunter 5, , large Silent Hunter 5, , large
    • Silent Hunter 5, , large Silent Hunter 5, , large
    • Silent Hunter 5, , large Silent Hunter 5, , large
    • Silent Hunter 5, , large Silent Hunter 5, , large

    Вибачте, але ви не можете отримати доступ до цього вмісту через вікові обмеження.

    Перегляньте розділ «Політика конфіденційності»

  • Коротка інформація

    Коротка інформація for Silent Hunter 5 - PC (Digital)

    Silent Hunter 5 hails the return of the number one submarine simulation. For the first time the player will be able to play & feel as U-boat captain leading his crew from a first person view in a true dynamic campaign.

    Operate against Allied shipping on a vast area all across the Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea and participate in famous encounters with strong enemy warships. Can you do better than the best U-boat aces?

    Key Features

    • Silent Hunter 5 raises the levels of interactivity and immersion inside the U-boat and outside
    • For the first time the player will walk through highly detailed submarines in FPS view and be able to access every inside & outside part of the U-boot
    • With the help of an advanced order system the player will interact with the submarine crew, watch them doing their daily jobs and experience the tension & fear inside the U-boot.
    • Player actions will impact the outcome of battles and the scenario evolution in campaign. Depending on his approach the player can open new locations with upgrade and resupply possibilities, while the Allied response adjusts dynamically

    ©21 Ubisoft Entertainment. All Rights Reserved. Silent Hunter, Ubisoft and the Ubisoft logo are trademarks of Ubisoft Entertainment in the U.S. and/or other countries.Online features are no longer available for this product.

    © 2010 Ubisoft Entertainment. All Rights Reserved. Silent Hunter, Strategic Simulations, Ubisoft, Ubi.com, and the Ubisoft logo are trademarks of Ubisoft Entertainment in the U.S. and/or other countries.

    Multiplayer and online features are no longer available for this product.

    • Активація: Автоматично додається до вашої бібліотеки Ubisoft Connect на ПК для завантаження.
    • Вимоги: Для запуску цього вмісту вам потрібно встановити додаток Ubisoft Connect для ПК.
    • Дата випуску: 2010
    • rating mature

    • Мова: Eng, Ger
  • Системні вимоги

    Системні вимоги for Silent Hunter 5 - PC (Digital)


    • No need for cd/dvd to play!
    • Unlimited installs
    • Saved games are synchronized online

    A permanent internet connection is required to play the game.

    A low permanent internet connection (min 50kbit/s available bandwidth) is required to play the game

    A permanent high speed internet connection and creation of a ubisoft account are required to play this video game at all times. You must be at least 13 to create a ubisoft account without parental consent. Ubisoft may cancel access to one or more specific online features upon a 30-day prior notice To unlock exclusive contents. Such contents may only be unlocked one single time with a unique key.