500 credits
- 500 credits¥30.00
- 1050 credits¥60.00
- 2400 credits¥120.00
- 4550银条组合包¥208.00
- 7250银条组合包¥298.00
- 发售日期
- 18-3-27
- 叙述:
- 本商品为虚拟货币。需要游戏本体才能使用,仅限购买账号及平台使用,仅用于游戏内购买。 不可使用U点折扣
- 分级
Bad Language, In-Game Purchases, Violence
- 平台:
- PC (数字)
- PC环境:
- 你需要育碧账号,并安装Ubisoft Connect客户端,才能游玩该内容
© 2018 Ubisoft Entertainment. All Rights Reserved. Far Cry, Ubisoft and the Ubisoft logo are registered or unregistered trademarks of Ubisoft Entertainment in the US and/or other countries. Based on Crytek’s original Far Cry directed by Cevat Yerli. Powered by Crytek’s technology “CryEngine”.