Brothers in Arms: Road to Hill 30 (英語版) Standard Edition
- 発売日:
- 2005/03/03
- 説明:
Based on a true story.
Set during the famous airdrop before the invasion at Normandy, Sgt. Matt Baker and his squad of 101st Airborne Paratroopers were scattered over the French countryside. As the story unfolds, the player (Baker) must choose between the success of his mission and the lives of his men - his brothers in arms.
- ジャンル:
- シューター , アクション/アドベンチャー
- アクティベーション:
- PC用Ubisoftコネクトライブラリへ自動で追加。その後ダウンロードが必要です。
- PC環境:
- このコンテンツをプレイするには、UbisoftのアカウントとUbisoft Connectアプリケーションのインストールが必要
© 2005 Gearbox Software, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Published and distributed by Ubisoft Entertainment under license from Gearbox Software, LLC. Brothers In Arms Road to Hill 30 is a trademark of Gearbox Software and used under license. Ubisoft,, and the Ubisoft logo are trademarks of Ubisoft Entertainment in the U.S. and/or other countries. Gearbox Software and the Gearbox logo are registered trademarks of Gearbox Software, LLC.