- 发售日期
- 2017年10月27日
- 叙述:
Amidst the scorched sands of ancient Persia, there is a legend spun in an ancient tongue. It speaks of a time borne by blood and ruled by deceit. Drawn to the dark powers of a magic dagger, a young Prince is led to unleash a deadly evil upon a beautiful kingdom. Aided by the wiles of a seductive princess and the absolute powers of the Sands of Time, the Prince stages a harrowing quest to reclaim the Palace's cursed chambers and restore peace to his land.
- 语言:
- Eng, Fr, It, De, Es
- 类型:
- 动作/冒险
- 激活:
- 购买成功后,您的游戏将在 适用于PC的Ubisoft Connect 中自动激活
- PC环境:
- 你需要育碧账号,并安装Ubisoft Connect客户端,才能游玩该内容
- 多人游戏:
- No
- 单人游戏:
- Yes
© 2003 Ubisoft Entertainment. Based on Prince of Persia® created by Jordan Mechner. All Rights Reserved. Ubisoft, the Ubisoft logo, Kudosoft, and the Kudosoft logo are trademarks of Ubisoft Entertainment in the U.S. and/or other countries. Prince of Persia is a trademark of Jordan Mechner used under license by Ubisoft Entertainment.