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rating mature

Watch Dogs 2 Gold Gold Edition

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youtube video
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General information

Release date:
PS4, Xbox One: 15/11/2016. PC: 29/11/2016
Use hacking as a weapon in the massive & dynamic open world of Watch Dogs 2. In 2016, ctOS 2.0, an advanced operating system networking city infrastructure, was implemented in several US cities to create a safer, more efficie
nt metropolis.
Rating :
rating mature

English (Audio, Interface, Subtitle)

French (Audio, Interface, Subtitle)

PC (Digital), PS4 (Digital), Xbox (Digital)
Anti-Cheat software:
Easy Anti-Cheat Anti-Cheat solution is automatically installed with this game and required to play this game; you will not be able to launch the game if you uninstalled it.
Single player:
General information